Because of this, you never have to worry about running out of global symbol space from linking in too many shared objects. 由于这个原因,您永远都不用担心会由于链接了太多共享对象而导致全局符号空间用光的问题。
Do look out for the Soil Association symbol on these products to ensure the term organic is not just being used as a marketing trick. 在这些产品包装上找到土壤联合会的标志,确保“有机”这个标签不仅仅是一个营销伎俩。
Also, it should be pointed out that Olive Oyl was the first anorexic sex symbol. 需要指出的是女主角奥利弗也许是第一个厌食症患者。
The problem, as Mr Purves acknowledges, is that for some buyers, the "atmospherics" of splashing out on such a conspicuous symbol of wealth do not feel quite right. 汤姆士认为,问题的关键在于一些买家认为,这个时候把钱砸在这样一个财富象征体上似乎不很明智。
Hong Kong stood out then, as it does today, as a symbol of the open exchange of goods and ideas. 自那时以来,我一直十分钦佩这个城市。当时,香港作为开放商品和思想交流的象征,具有十分重要的地位。
It's an Italian custom to throw old belongings out the window as a symbol of letting go of the past. 义大利有个习俗,把家里的旧东西往窗外丢,藉此象徵不再留恋过去。
During diagnosis, e.g.when the fault memory is being read out, a "save" symbol appears near the softkeys. 在诊断过程中(例如在读取故障记忆时),在软键旁会出现“保存”符号。
The Augustus worship was a reasonable unified empire approval way that Rome found out after nearly a turbulent century, and which was the symbol that the Roman formed a unification politics pattern. 奥古斯都崇拜是罗马在动荡了近一个世纪之后找到的一种合理的统一的帝国认同方式,是罗马政治统一格局形成的标志。
Now for generations the Apology has stood out as a symbol for the violation of free expression. 几个世纪以来,《苏格拉底自辩篇》,象征着对自由表述的侵害。
Through carrying on the secondary development to AutoCAD software, utilizes the icon menu to work out the setting-up of the graphical symbol storehouse where technology finishes the hydraulic component. 通过对AutoCAD软件进行二次开发,利用图标菜单编制技术来完成液压元件图形符号库的建立。
This paper expounds the particular aesthetic connotation of product's formal design, and points out that the formal aesthetics of product design should have the symbol function and externalize the relative freedom. 阐述了产品的形式设计具有独特的审美含义,指出产品设计的形式美应具有符号功能和体现相对的自由度。
It studys architectonic features& period of Feiyun Tower, introduces its special architectonic style, and points out that the tower is symbol of wanrong county has very high architectonic significance and appreciative value, which has guiding meanings for architecture and development of journey soure. 研究了飞云楼的建筑特征及时代,介绍了其独特的建筑风格,指出该楼是万荣县的标志,具有极高的建筑学意义和观赏价值,对建筑学及旅游资源的开发具有重要的指导意义。
And the paper points out that CAD application level is an important symbol to weight design technology level. 指出CAD应用水平是衡量设计单位技术水平现代化的重要标志。
This algorithm utilizes inherent correlation property of two segments of information sequence to carry out accurate symbol timing estimation. 该算法利用经过特殊处理的前后两段信息序列的内在相关性进行准确的符号定时估计。
This paper explains the meaning of the symbol "-" and points out that it is harmful to misuse this symbol. 本文说明符号■的含义及应用,并指出中学数学教学中误用、滥用这一符号造成的危害。
To extract the information watermark, the frames holding watermark were found out by detect-ing water the symbol mark rapidly from one video segment whose length was long enough to hold the whole watermark. 提取水印时,只需从整段视频中截取足够包含完整信息水印的一小段视频,通过搜索标志水印快速地选出包含水印信息的帧。
Some Personal Experiences on Carrying out National Standard of Welding Seam Symbol 贯彻焊缝符号国家标准体会
This peper points out that usual identification flame has three types: symbol set, ordered statement set and closed interval of real number. 本文指出常用辨识框可分为符号集合型、有序命题集合型和实数闭区间型。
Whether this essence of working for the public and assuming power for the people can be carried out is the symbol of whether the important thought of "Three Represents" is fully understood and sincerely put into practice. 能不能落实立党为公、执政为民这个本质,是衡量有没有真正学懂、是不是真心实践三个代表重要思想最重要的标志。
The paper discusses the significance and value of the image of Hongluo Girl and points out that Hongluo Girl is the daughter of nature and the symbol of harmony of human and nature. 本文论述了红罗女形象的价值及意义,指出红罗女是自然的女儿,是人与自然和谐的象征,是中国各民族神话传说中少有的具有哲学思索意味的女神。
The article introduces the significance of carrying out environmental symbol and its characteristics, and it also points out the trend of main work in the future. 介绍了推行环境标志产品的意义,环境标志品的特点,提出了今后的努力方向。
In the new century, the informal society require us o wipe out the mathematical illiteracy historical task, its symbol is understanding the basic of differential and integral calculus, the differential calculus and integral calculus are the main structure of mathematical analysis. 以信息社会为特征的新世纪开始提出扫数学盲的历史任务,而脱盲的标志则是要懂得微积分基础[1],然微分与积分是数学分析的主体的结构。
This article probes into the meaning of life adaptation and development. It points out that adaptation is the important symbol for psychological health, and development is active adaptation. 探讨了生活适应与发展的内涵,指出适应是心理健康的重要标志,而发展则是积极的适应。
The structure of map symbol is discussed at first in this thesis which points out it is the important part of GIS system. The symbol structure is made based on composite pattern. 全文首先对地图符号的结构展开论述,指出地图符号的建设是GIS系统的重要组成部分,并提出基于组合模式的符号结构。
In chapter 3, we first demonstrate the relationship of product symbol and consumption, and the point out that the social root of product symbol is symbolic consumption. And we also sort product symbol base on different kind of consumer needs. 第三章阐述了产品象征与消费的关系,指出产品象征的社会根源在于象征消费,并根据不同的消费需求对产品象征进行分类。
First introduce the principle and implement method of joint and merge on the traffic level. Then carry out by disposing the levels of symbol. 先分析了交通网不同等级道路的相交和连接效果(线线关系)的实现原理,然后通过设置符号层次的绘制顺序来实现。
Section One deals with the history of the development of books from the aspects of the need of the development of civilization, the rise of productive techniques and the popularization of cultural education and points out that books are the symbol of social civilization. 第一节分别从文明的发展需求、生产力技术的提高和文化教育的普及等角度论述了图书发展的历程,指出图书是社会文明的符号。
In the novel algorithm, Signal Constellation Rearrangement is employed to average out LLRs between bits in a mapping symbol, thereby reducing the variations in bit reliabilities. 该算法采用星座重排技术平衡同一映射符号内比特的对数似然比(LLR,Log-Likelihood-Ratio),从而减小比特可靠性的差异。
Li Xun Wu and cultural background of the strange and mysterious figure depicts the "nightmare" of the characters get out of the pain of heart, turned into a symbol of the mysterious culture of character, irrational witch culture characters are concentrated. 李逊以巫文化为背景描绘了诡谲神秘的人物,魇性人物走不出内心的痛苦,幻化人物象征神秘文化,非理性人物是巫文化的浓缩。
Part IV, from the symbols to convey the process, the core semantics and core symbols, background semantics and auxiliary symbols, symbols associated with semantic and copying several fronts, pointing out that the expression of pottery Symbol general law. 第四部分,从符号的传达过程,核心语义与核心符号、背景语义与辅助符号,关联语义与复制符号几方面展开,指出陶艺符号意义表达的一般规律。